Laboratorio di Linguistica
'Giovanni Nencioni'

















Morphology and Syntax


PhD Dissertation

Alessandra GIORGI: On the Italian anaphoric system, 1985
(relatori esterni: Guglielmo Cinque, Venezia; Domenico Parisi, Roma).

Denis DELFITTO: Generics and Variables in Syntax, 1990
(relatori esterni: James Higginbotham, MIT; Guglielmo Cinque, Venezia).

Paolo ACQUAVIVA: The syntax of Negation. A Generative Approach, 1993
(relatori esterni: James McCloskey, Santa Cruz; Giuseppe Longobardi, Venezia).

Michele LOPORCARO: Accordo del participio passato nelle lingue neolatine, 1993
(relatori esterni: Edward Tuttle, UCLA; Nunzio La Fauci, Palermo).

Valentina BIANCHI: Consequences of Antisymmetry for the Syntax of Headed Relative Clauses, 1995
(relatori esterni: Adriana Belletti, Perugia; Richard Kayne, CUNY; Jan Koster, Groningen; Jean-Yves Pollock, Amiens).

Alessandro LENCI: On Predication. Categorical and Thetic Structures in Language, 1999
(relatori esterni: James Higginbotham, Oxford; Gabriel Sandu, Helsinki).

Marco MAIOCCO: The Syntax of Indoeuropean. Absolute Participial Constructions, 2002.
(relatori esterni: Marina Benedetti, Siena; Giuseppe Longobardi, Trienste; Frans Plank, Konstanz; Paolo Ramat, Pavia)

María Enriqueta PEREZ VAZQUEZ: El infinitivo y su sujeto explícito en español e italiano, 2002
(relatori esterni: Adriana Belletti, Siena; Elena De Miguel, Complutense, Madrid; Gunver Skytte, København).

Basilio CALDERONE: Unsupervised Learning of Linguistic Structures, 2008.
(relatori esterni: Timo Honkela, Helsinki; Bernard Laks, Paris X; Alessandro Lenci, Pisa)

Michelangelo FALCO: Deterministic mapping and dependencies. A syntax/semanticinterface account of crossover and specificity, 2010.
(relatori esterni: Denis Delfitto, Verona; Luigi Rizzi, Siena; Dominique Sportiche, Paris ENS e Los Angeles UCLA)

Emanuela SANFELICI: La sintassi delle subordinate non finite in antico e medio irlandese. Il tipo DP doNV, 2011.
(relatori esterni: Giuseppe Longobardi, Trieste; Elisa Roma, Pavia; Karin Stüber, Zürich)

Luca PESINI: Tra coordinazione e subordinazione: La paraipotassi in italiano antico, 2013.
(relatori esterni: Alberto Nocentini, Firenze; Wolfgang Schweickart, Saarland)


Selected publications

NOCENTINI Alberto & Luca PESINI (in stampa). Arezzo nel Medioevo: la lingua. In G. CHERUBINI, F. FRANCESCHI e A. BARLUCCHI (eds.), Arezzo nel Medioevo. Roma : Bretschneider.

TALAMO Luigi 2015. Suffix combinations in Italian: selectional restrictions and processing constraints. In S. MANOVA (ed.), Affix Ordering Across Languages and Frameworks, Oxford University Press, 175-205.

TALAMO Luigi, Chiara CELATA & Pier Marco Bertinetto 2016. derIvaTario: a lexicon of annotated Italian derivatives. Word Structure 9,1. 72-102.

BERTINETTO Pier Marco & Luca CIUCCI 2012. Parataxis, hypotaxis and para-hypotaxis in the Zamuco languages. Linguistic Discovery 10,1: 89-111.

BERTINETTO Pier Marco 2011. How the Zamuco languages dealt with verb affixes. Word Structure 4,2: 215-230.

PESINI Luca 2011. Giovanni Rosini e la questione della lingua. Annali Aretini XVIII: 199-236.

TALAMO Luigi & Chiara CELATA 2011. Toward a morphological analysis of the italian lexicon: developing tools for a corpus-based approach. Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica, 11(1).

PESINI Luca 2008.Il dittongamento in antico toscano e in aretino. Archivio Glottologico Italiano 93: 46-79.

PEREZ VAZQUEZ María Enriqueta 2007. El infinitivo y su sujeto en español, Gedit, Bologna

PESINI Luca 2007. Sull’origine della desinenza di terza persona plurale del verbo italiano. Studi di Grammatica Italiana 26: 1-39.

Pier Marco Bertinetto & Georgi Jetchev 2005. Lexical access in Bulgarian: Nouns and adjectives with and without floating vowels, Catalan Journal of Linguistics 4 (Maria-Rosa Lloret & Jesús Jiménez, curr., Morphology in Phonology): 171-198.

Celata Chiara & Pier Marco Bertinetto 2005. Lexical access in Italian: Words with and without palatalization, Lingue e Linguaggio 4,2: 293-318.

Marco Maiocco 2005. Absolute Participial Constructions. A Contrastive Approach to the Syntax of Greek and Latin, L’Orso, Alessandria.

Pier Marco Bertinetto 2004. I verbi deverbali, in Maria Grossmann & Franz Rainer (curr.), La formazione delle parole in italiano, Tübingen, Niemeyer: 465-472.

Pier Marco Bertinetto 2003. ‘Centro’ e ‘periferia’ del linguaggio: una mappa per orientarsi, in Daniele Maggi & Diego Poli (curr.), Modelli recenti in linguistica. Atti del Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia, Macerata, Il Calamo, Roma: 157-211.

Denis Delfitto 2002. Genericity in Language. Issues of Syntax Logical Form and Interpretation, L’Orso, Alessandria.

Jetchev Georgi & Pier Marco Bertinetto 2002. Lexical access in Bulgarian perfective vs. imperfective verbs, in Sabrina Benjaballah, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Oskar E. Pfeiffer & Maria D. Voeikova (eds.), Morphology 2000, Selected Papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, Vienna 24-28 February 2000, Benjamins, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: 161-173.

Valentina Bianchi 1999. Consequences of Antisymmetry: Headed Relative Clauses, Mouton / De Gruyter, Berlin etc.

Michele Loporcaro 1998. Sintassi comparata dell’accordo participiale romanzo, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino.

Paolo Acquaviva 1997. The Logical Form of Negation. A Study of Operator-Variable Structures in Syntax, Garland, New York.

Pier Marco Bertinetto 1995. Compositionality and non-compositionality in morphology, in Wolfgang U. Dressler & Cristina Burani, Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Morphology, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien: 9-36.

Pier Marco Bertinetto 1994. Phonological representation of morphological complexity: Alternative models (neuro- and psycholinguistic evidence), Cognitive Linguistics 5: 77-109.

Alessandra Giorgi 1990. On the Italian Anaphoric/Pronominal System, UNIPRESS, Padova.





Phonetics and Phonology

Verb semantics

Semantics & Pragmatics

Morphology and Syntax

Endangered languages