Laboratorio di Linguistica
'Giovanni Nencioni'
Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica







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Volume 11




Issue 1

Special issue: Gender and Number in Normal and Impaired Language Processing

Elisa Di Domenico & Marica De Vincenzi (guest-editors)
Introduction Pages 3-9

Charles Clifton, Lyn Frazies & Patricia Deevy
Feature manipulation in sentence comprehension Pages 11-39

Marica De Vinvenzi & Elisa Di Domenico
A distinction among F-features: The role of gender and number in the retrieval of pronoun antecedents Pages 41-74
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Christel Faussart, Celia Jakubowicz & Marianne Costes
Gender and number processing in spoken French and Spanish Pages 75-101

Claudio Luzzatti & Ria De Bleser
Gender and number processing in Italian agrammatic speakers: Further avidence for dual route models of processing Pages 103-131

Janet Nicol & Meghan O'Donnel
Pronominal feature distinctions in English Pages 133-162
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José Manuel Igoa, José Eugenio García-Albea & Rosa Sánches-Casas
Gender-number dissociation in sentence production in Spanish Pages 163-196
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Issue 2

Laura Bafile
Antepenultimate stress in Italian and some related dialects: metrical and prosodic aspects Pages 201-229
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Georgi Jetchev
Schwa or "ghost" vowels in French: a Harmonic Phonology account Pages 231-271
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Jerzy Rubach
The syllable in phonological analysis Pages 273-314
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Alberto Nocentini
Topical contraints in the verbal agreement of spoken Italian (Tuscany variety) Pages 315-339
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Mario Squartini
Voice clashing with aspect: the case of Italian Passives Pages 341-365
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Carol Myers-Scotton
Discussione: Bakker & Mous, eds. (1994); Singh (1995); Treffers-Daller (1994) Pages 367-386
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