EURO-XPRAG Pisa Workshop
Experimental Pragmatics in Europe
The second EURO-XPRAG sponsored Workshop will be held at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (Italy) from September 30 to October 2, 2011.
Junior and senior researchers who were awarded travel grants after the 3rd Call for Projects are invited to present their ongoing work.
The invited speakers are:
Dale Barr (University of Glasgow)
Anne Bezuidenhout (University of South Carolina)
Robyn Carston (University College London / CSMN Oslo)
and Jeffrey Lidz (University of Maryland)
Participation upon invitation only.
The ESF EURO-XPRAG Network aims to support Experimental Pragmatic research through collaborations, workshops and conferences in order to provide leadership for this field worldwide.
For more information:
Local Organizer:
Laboratorio di Linguistica “G. Nencioni”
Valentina Bambini
Marta Ghio